Reforestation Costa Rica

Why Costa Rica?

The country was recently recognised by the World Bank, FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) and other global organisations as a "role model for the world". 

We, the Green Industry Group, support these efforts because we want to help set a positive example to the rest of the world in terms of "successful conservation and environmental protection". By doing our utmost to support Costa Rica's reforestation efforts, we are showing the world that it is possible to achieve positive change in the political visions of many ambitious governments.

"Costa Rica is a development success story in many ways. Costa Rica is considered an upper middle-income country and has experienced steady economic growth over the last 25 years."

Reforestation & Rainforest Conservation in Costa Rica

Our joint strategy is based on the conviction that reforestation provides much-needed income for local farmers and all those involved in agriculture, but - although this may well be true - it can only be a short-term solution.

  • We want to show that a long-term and sustainable vision also provides income for Third World countries and can be implemented practically and successfully with the participation of all.
  • We convince the population that deforestation only provides a one-time income, whereas sustainable reforestation provides income over a much larger and perhaps infinitely long period of time.
  • We are involved in Costa Rica because in this way we can actually realise several goals at the same time, which would simply not be possible in this form with comparable alternatives.

With many successfully implemented projects, we have proven that massive reforestation is possible, and Costa Rica is an inspiring example. Today, Costa Rica has twice as many forests again as it had in the 1990s.

According to the United Nations, in 1940 Costa Rica had 75 percent tropical forests in areas mostly inhabited only by indigenous communities. The excessive and reckless extraction of natural resources meant that only 40 years later, just 26 percent of the areas listed above were covered with forest.

Today, Costa Rica is on its way to recovering and reclaiming all the lost forests through smart action. According to the World Bank, this is the largest recovery of a forest ecosystem ever seen in a tropical country.